A: 18 Th. Siokou St., Athens, 15341, Greece
E: info@rhizotechniki.gr
T: 210 6519659
Criteria for choosing the appropriate technology
Presentation on the Conference: 2nd International Conference on Ecological Protection of the Planet Earth, Bio-Environment and Bio-Culture, June 2003, Sofia, Bulgaria
There are continuously growing objections against compact technical systems for wastewater treatment due to their following negative characteristics: lack of sustainability, high external energy budget, and continuously growing functional costs.
Emphasis has been given to: wastewater treatment target, purification efficiency of compact technical systems, residual loadings, ecological consequences caused by effluents into the natural recipients and "alternative technologies" using methods "closer to nature".
In addition a critical report concerning the "activated sludge process" is presented. The budgeting of carbon turnover by those plants shows a conversion to CO2 of about 38 % only, which represents the "real degradation efficiency". The rest of 62 % consists of sludge (55 %) and residual organic matter (7 %) (persistent and sometimes ecotoxic) discharged into the recipient (natural water body). This may cause serious environmental problems, which cannot be solved by any technology until now.
Συγγραφείς: Dr. Theodora Seretaki, Environmental Engineer, Rhizotechniki, Siokou 18, GR-15341 Athens
A: 18 Th. Siokou St., Athens, 15341, Greece
E: info@rhizotechniki.gr
T: 210 6519659