Background History

RHIZOTECHNIKI is a company specializing in wastewater treatment using the ROOT-ZONE METHOD.
It has the exclusive rights to the ROOT-ZONE METHOD for Southeastern Europe with its headquarters in Athens and affiliated offices in France and Germany. The ROOT-ZONE METHOD is a natural technology that cleans every type of wastewater from communal to highly toxic industrial effluent. Only through the combination of the biochemical activity of soil interacting with the aeration and hydraulic efficiency of special strains of reeds can such a vast range of pollutants be effectively dealt with, exceeding existing norms. RIZOTECHNIKI has been operating in Greece since 1995.

Dr. Theodora SERETAKI, Founder & Director of RHIZOTECHNIKI is a biologist & environmental engineer, member of VDI, the GERMAN ASSOCIATION OF ENGINEERS. She trained at Athens University, Greece and the Ecochemistry Institute, of Kassel University, Germany. She holds a doctorate in ecological management of wastewater systems by natural methods and has 30 years of experience in research and development of the KICKUTH's ROOT ZONE METHOD. She is a consultant in ecological environmental management and a leading expert on ecological management of algae in natural water bodies.

Professor Dr. Reinhold KICKUTH, soil scientist and inventor of the ROOT ZONE METHOD, Professor Emirate at the Goettingen and Kassel Universities, has installed ROOT ZONE plants all over the world.

Dr. Theodora SERETAKI, has worked with Prof. Dr. R. KICKUTH since 1983. Since 1998 she co-developed new root zone systems especially in the treatment of nitrogen and industrial sludge. She has adapted the design of installations to incorporate humification of solids (pre-treatment) with biological wastewater treatment.


A: 18 Th. Siokou St., Athens, 15341, Greece
T: 210 6519659

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