Environmental Protection And Public Health

The results of technical systems are harmful for the public health. They are more than obvious in environmental and health scandals worldwide because of the no exit consequences of compact technical systems. Their following negative characteristics are lack of sustainability, high external energy budget, and continuously growing operational costs.

RHIZOTECHNIKI builds installations that protect the Environment and Public Health through actions that are inherent in the process itself:

Natural CO2 Capture and Storage:
Root Zone installations for a capacity of 2000 P.E., diminish CO2 emissions by 86 tons per year and produce 19 tons per year of carbon matter in the form of Humus stored in the soil.

N.B. Conventional methods only produce CO2.

Disinfection of pathogen micro-organisms:
Pathogenic bacteria such as E. coli, Salmonella and viruses are eliminated by the roots exudates. This makes chlorination of effluents superfluous.

From the ecological and public health perspective Chlorination is considered to be very problematic in water and wastewater management. Chlorine creates more problems than it solves.

N.B. A conventional method using Chlorine creates toxic substances at the end of the so-called "cleaning" process. This in turn pollutes natural water resources. Chlore with its free electron is a very aggressive reacting chemical element which combined with organic impurities creates toxic substances.

100 % efficiency without effluent
In summer, when the water quantities are greatly reduced, high concentrations of pollutants emerge. In this very sensitive period of the year, Root Zone installations do not release any effluent thereby saving natural water from pollutants. The reeds can evaporate up to 3,0 m3/d liquid per m2 resulting in total evaporation.

N.B. Conventional systems release all their so-called cleaned effluents into the natural water bodies.

Equilibrium of thermal pollution
The reeds' mean annual evapo-transpiration can reach 1,600 mm/m2 per year. This natural process creates a cooling effect in the immediate surroundings.

Legacy of biosphere reserves
The world's first Root Zone installation, in Othfresen, Germany, has been in operation since 1974. It comprises 10 % of a natural 25 ha wetland and continues to serving a population of 4,500 P.E. at maximum efficiency. Since 1997, has been recognized by the E .U. as protected reserve. Since it not only cleans sewage and wastewater, it also serves as an ecological refuge for rare and protected species.


A: 18 Th. Siokou St., Athens, 15341, Greece
E: info@rhizotechniki.gr
T: 210 6519659

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