A: 18 Th. Siokou St., Athens, 15341, Greece
E: info@rhizotechniki.gr
T: 210 6519659
Specifications: This family villa is situated in the North of Athens at the foot of Mount Penteli. A rootzone installation was chosen for the following reasons:
- No public sewage system
- Domestic water supply directly sourced from ground water
- No hydraulic conductivity in the soil to allow filtration (a requirement of conventional methods)
- No access to empty a conventional sewage tank
From the first operation year the efficiency of the system has shown excellent results.
N.B. A rootzone installation requires very little surface area (1/3 size of the tennis court as shown in the photo)
Technical Characteristics:
Unit's capacity: 6 P.E.
Size of the ROOT ZONE plant: 35 m2
Year of construction: 1999
Output BOD-loading: 12 mg/l (1st operational year)
Output COD-loading: 78 mg/l (1st operational year)
A: 18 Th. Siokou St., Athens, 15341, Greece
E: info@rhizotechniki.gr
T: 210 6519659