Sludge Humification

Sludge Humification

Sludge Humification

Sludge Humification is a natural Method for treating biological sludge from wastewater treatment plants and industrial sludge's of any origin. The method of humification is a natural method using constructed wetlands for dewatering, disinfecting and decomposing of organic material in the sludge. The method has been successfully implemented with the Root-Zone Method worldwide for the last 30 years.

Sludge Humification offers competitive advantages over the expensive alternatives of drying and burning processes. After 10-20 years of feeding the root-zone beds with sludge, they are full of humus. Immediately after removing the humus, the beds are ready to be used from the beginning.

This is a very cost-effective and energy-saving process to treat biological sludge from the Communities and also fat, oil and solid remains from the Industry.

Soil-based wastewater treatment plants get rid of leftover residue

Reinhold Kickuth's system of reed beds provide an environmentally friendly way to treat domestic sewage in "KATHIMERINI" newspaper Issue October 2003 (in Greek)

Presentation in the "OIKO" magazine of "KATHIMERINI" newspaper Issue April 2005 (in Greek)


A: 18 Th. Siokou St., Athens, 15341, Greece
T: 210 6519659

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