A: 18 Th. Siokou St., Athens, 15341, Greece
E: info@rhizotechniki.gr
T: 210 6519659
Presentation on the Conference:1st International Conference on "Hazardous Waste Management", October 2008, Chania, Creta
Wastewater treatment plants based on the root-zone method have been widely and successfully used for over 3 decades to treat heavily loaded and toxic wastewater. In the past totally unexpected results occurred especially concerning the degradation of nitrogen compounds from wastewater. The mechanisms dealing with these degradation processes have remained unclear until now. The following presentation shows the results from a wastewater treatment plant working with the root-zone method which treats heavily loaded manure from a pig farm of 700 mother sows. Emphasis has been given to the dynamic of the nitrogen compounds degradation processes, which has been presented as a "Black Box" model.
*RHIZOTECHNIKI, Siokou 18, 15341 Athens, Greece
**Department of Ecochemistry, University of Kassel, Germany
A: 18 Th. Siokou St., Athens, 15341, Greece
E: info@rhizotechniki.gr
T: 210 6519659